
What is Love Love Test?

This application is called
"Love Love Test"

You can hold girl's hands!
You will draw up happiness
Don't be suspicious
Start from watching this movie
Innovation of new technology
Fortune telling that is backed up by scientific proofs
A tool that draws up happiness

Representative producer Simon Joe



Holds a MBA degree in contents marketing. Consumer game and Application maker, engages in content developing. Received Famitsu Gold Prize several times. Received Tokyo International Application Award. Main product: Disgaea, Akiba's Trip, Wizardry, Sengoku Shura Soul.

Joint Development team



These 7 people are engineers that work in listed companies. They are experts in Computer science, ergonomics, applied psychology, neuroscience, statistics, programming, UX.
※This is a temporary image.

What is Love Love Test?


Love Love Test is a tool
that helps your dream come true.
It will perform a miracle like one in a movie.
It allows you to hold someone's hands
and it will bring happiness.
There are some individual difference
but it is mostly not affected
by race, gender, age.

There are several
significant points

This application is a respective homage to Yokoi Gunpei, the Father of Game

Nintendo sold a similar product,
long before Family Computer was made.
This gadget that measures compatibility
by holding girl's hands
were called Love Tester


Sold way back then,
From now on

It was sold 50 years ago
by Nintendo

Love Love Test inherits
the concept of Love Tester.
This application is a respective homage to
Yokoi Gunpei, the Father of Game

biggest sales point

Typical fortune tellings
and diagnosis applications are
either required of parameter or
measured randomly.

But Love Love Test is
different from all those.

By using Logic System
that we have developed,
when you hold hands
and place each other's hands on smartphone

It is a tool
that shows same couple,
same results
without entering
any parameters.



You can naturally
hold girl's hands.

Love Love Test is a miracle tool
that shows same couple,
same results without entering any parameters.

Be cautious not to
let go of one's hand.

Comments from joint development team


We have made a prototype,
and it's accuracy is already checked.

We have opperated several
difficult experiment in a hostess bar
and it's effect is approved.

This application won Tokyo International
Application Award.Novelty
of this system and technology

That is compatible to foreign
users have been assessed.

Unfortunately, this application
is still prototype so it is not on a sales level.

The prototype is made in Java,
which means it is only correspondent
to Android.

Project leader of
Love Love Test
is married,
thanks to this application.

Comments from main producer.


Even a geek like me
came up marrying
by using this appication.

The main purpose of contents
is making people's life satisfying.

In the first place, everyone cooperated
to make Love Love Test so that
I could get happy with my life.

It is fine to make a billing game,
but does that make people happy?

My purpose is to spread contents
that makes people happy.

How to use this application

When you have start up
your application,
hold each other's hands.
Place your hands on the smartphone
while holding each other's hands.
You will need to wait just a bit
before getting results.


But that is all you need to do.
There is no need to enter parameters.

Effect of this application

Magic 1
You can hold a girl's hand
that you like.

Magic 2
Same couple,
Same results.

Magic 3
Maybe she will get
in love with you.


We are looking for someone who is wiiling to support us for developing costs.

Love Love Test has succeed in making the prototype and the mock version is on a level in which it has won Tokyo International Application Award. Although, we are not able to make the complete version due to lack of funds.
For that reason, we are fundraising by doing Cloud Funding.
In order to put this promising application into the market, we are hoping for someone who would coopearte with us.

Love Love Test is a tool that is useful for everyone.

Cloud Funding
Link Post-decision

About Hit Point

Established on January 2016
Address Tokyo Nerima
Represantitive Simon Joe
Major business Publishing contents and contents marketing
Bank Bank Name Yucho Bank
Branch code Store name 018
Account number 3688505
Account name BIg Company(ビックカンパニー)
E-mail address info@hitpoint.jp


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